AgroPro 8.0.0 + MB is a plant nutrient used in the branch stage of the plant and in case the plant needs nitrogenous organomineral nutrients. In addition to organic matter, it provides nitrogen and micronutrient supplement. PREPARATION OF THE FERTILIZER FOR APPLICATION: AgroPro 8.0.0 is first stirred thoroughly and then, the required amount is transferred to a container. It is dissolved in a small amount of water and is introduced to a pesticide application tank filled with some amount of water and the pesticide application tank is filled up to the required level using water. Stirring is performed and the application is started.
FOLIAR APPLICATION: It is applied in an amount of 250-500 cc per 100 liters of water in the early growth stage of the plant and when needed, at intervals of 15-20 days (to 1 decare).
DRIP IRRIGATION APPLICATION: It is applied in a volume of 0.5-1 liter in the early growth stage of the plant and when needed, on daily basis (to 1 decare). Consult a specialist for special applications.