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Garanti Edilen İçeriği - Kütlece

  • Suda Çözülür Bor 1
  • Suda Çözülür Bakır: 0,5
  • Suda Çözülür Demir: 3
  • Suda Çözülür Mangan: 3
  • Suda Çözülür Molibden: 0,05
  • Suda Çözülür Çinko: 3


AgroPro Combi is a powder nutrient for the plants, which has a high content of chelated micronutrients. The product further has the organic product certification and is an organic powder micronutrient chelate used also in the organic agriculture and needed in all the plant stages to improve the fruit quality and yield.

FOLIAR APPLICATION: Normal Use 0.250.5 Kg /1000m2; In Case of Severe Deficiency, 1-2 Kg /1000m2 based on Recommendation

Recommended Dose: It is dissolved in at least 20 liters of water for foliar application and in 1000 liters of water for drip irrigation application and applied “per decare” (1 Decare = 1000 m2). Consult a specialist for special applications.

Water-Soluble Boron (B) 1
Water-Soluble Copper (Cu), Fully Chelated with EDTA 0.5
Water-Soluble Iron (Fe), Fully Chelated with EDTA 3
Water-Soluble Manganese (Mn), Fully Chelated with EDTA 3
Water-Soluble Molybdenum (Mo) 0,05
Water-Soluble Zinc (Zn), Fully Chelated with EDTA 3

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